Do I have to pay for each text?
You will not be charged by Take24 for each text message separately, but rather all text messages are included in the monthly subscription fee. However, typical telecommunication charges apply based on your provider.
Who can see my data?
You decide who can see your data.
How does this sms phone texting work?
We send a single question and ask for two components in the response: A single number characterizing amount of effort toward the healthy living goal followed by an explanation in sentence form. The more thorough your personal analysis, the better your results will be.
Is there a guarantee or refund policy?
We have built a model that is brutally honest about achieving healthy living goals. We expect the system integrity to be respected for the good of future users. However, if you have a problem or concern about the service you did or didn’t receive from Take24 then yes please contact us and we will do our best to make you right. In the end if you aren’t pleased with the service, neither will your friends and family and your success is our ultimate goal.
What additional features will you be building?
While it is critically important to sign up for the service based on current features, at the core of our offering we expect to continue building out features that improve daily check-ins, track progress against a robust healthy living plan and build support around the primary user that empowers other people to be either the compassionate or 'tough love' motivator that a person trying to make positive behavior change needs. Fundamental to the Take24 service, people are required. Software doesn’t replace them, but rather connects them. This is our goal and if we don’t deliver on that, please let us know.
What are keys to success?
We are focused on all tools that help people on a daily basis to dig deep mentally and identify the path forward to their healthy living goals as well as the sticking points that hold them back. Those who are most likely to succeed in achieving their healthy living goals are willing to be brutally honest with themselves yet kind and compassionate. When we see people go deep in their daily check-ins, we know that real change is underway. Those check-ins show that a person has analyzed their thinking since the last check-in, turning over every rock and explaining the patterns of thinking be they good or bad and then verbalizing the path back to healthy living and forward to goal accomplishment.
What text commands can I send in my replies?
- 911 - This will send the following alert to your support network: [NAME at PHONE NUMBER] just reached out for urgent support. Please call or text them in their time of need.
- START - This will start the daily check-in messages. After stopping or pausing check-in messages, you can begin to receive the text check-ins again by responding to the phone number with this command.
- STOP - This will stop the daily check-in messages and can also be thought of as a way to PAUSE checkins. An example of such a scenario may be if you were to travel overseas where you may be charged for every text message your receive.
Who are typical accountability partners?
These people are those who you trust to be honest but kind, persistent but not pushy, involved but not over bearing, thoughtful but not consuming. These may be spouses, partners, best friends, sponsors, counselors, religious leaders, therapists, siblings or parents. They will be getting your data so they need to be mature enough to intervene when you need help, but healthy enough to respect boundaries.
What does Take24 mean?
Take24 is a shortened reference to "take another 24" a term that describes the nature of making improvements "one day at a time" every 24 hours. The word "take" is deliberate and suggests that a person with initiative is exerting his or her energy to make the change happen rather than waiting for the day of effort to be 'given' to them by another.
Start today on the path to making the lasting changes that will improve your life.